He's done it! Jeremy has graduated from Marine boot camp. I am so proud of him. He graduated as a Private First Class because he was promoted meritoriously. His Senior Drill Instructor told us that he was a joy to work with! Seems that he excelled in all areas at boot camp. Oooh Rah!
When we arrived home from South Carolina, we were greeted by our wonderful neighbors and friends. They decorated the whole cul-de-sac! And they had a great cake for us. Jeremy felt so loved! Thank you all!
Yesterday was Memorial Day. I must admit that I got even more choked up than normal. Being a mom of a Marine will do that! I'm proud that he is willing to serve our country in this way. But, I do ask for prayers for his safety as he serves.
Well, he left for boot camp as a sweet, rascally son and guess what? He is still that sweet rascal, but he does have a lot of bearing. I'm quite sure that he will serve our country well. Thank you, Lord.